Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Introduction

    • 1.1 - Welcome to the Course!

    • 1.2 - Who is this course designed for?

    • 1.3 - Who is Bryce Matheson and Why Am I Qualified to Teach This Course?

    • 1.4 - Housekeeping Items

    • 1.5 - What Technical Skills Are Required?

    • 1.6 - Do I Need to be a Web Designer/Developer?

    • 1.7 - Why I Decided to Make This Course

    • 1.8 - How Much Time is Required to Run This Business?

    • 1.9 - How Much Can You Earn?

    • 1.10 - Earning Passive Income

    • 1.11 - Risk vs Reward

    • 1.12 - I ONLY Run Passive or Scalable Businesses

    • 1.13 - This is REAL Work and Takes Time

    • 1.14 - What Will Be Covered in this Course?

    • 1.15 - The Hosting Company I Use

    • 1.16 - This Course is Fluid and Ever-Changing

  • 2

    Module 2 - Server Basics

    • 2.1 - What is a Server?

    • 2.2 - Shared vs VPS vs Dedicated Servers

    • 2.3 - The Problem with Most Shared Hosting

    • 2.4 - HDD vs SSD

    • 2.5 - Server Location

    • 2.6 - What Can I Host on my Server?

    • 2.7 - Can I Host a SquareSpace, Wix, Weebly, etc Site?

    • 2.8 - Server Basics Comprehension Quiz

  • 3

    Module 3 - DNS

    • 3.1 - What is DNS?

    • 3.2 - How Does DNS Work?

    • 3.3 - What are DNS Records?

    • 3.4 - What are NameServers?

    • 3.5 - When In Doubt, Change Only the 'A' Record

    • 3.6 - DNS Troubleshooting Step-by-Step

    • 3.7 - "My Email Isn't Working Anymore"

    • 3.8 - If You Don't Get It, It's Okay

    • 3.9 - DNS Comprehension Quiz

  • 4

    Module 4 - Domain Names

    • 4.1 - What is a Domain Name?

    • 4.2 - How to Buy a Domain Name?

    • 4.3 - Should You Handle Domain Names for Clients?

    • 4.4 - How to Link a Domain Name to a Website

  • 5

    Module 5 - Purchasing Your Server

    • 5.1 - The Importance of Picking a Good Web Host

    • 5.2 - Who Helps Me When I Can't Figure Out a Problem?

    • 5.3 - What about BlueHost, Hostgator, etc "Unlimited" Plans

    • 5.4 - Why Not Use AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode, etc?

    • 5.5 - How Much Will My Server Cost?

    • 5.6 - Buying Your Server

    • 5.7 - User Dashboard

  • 6

    Module 6 - WHM

    • 6.1 - WHM Overview & Tutorial

    • 6.2 - Creating Packages in WHM

    • 6.3 - Creating a New Website in WHM

    • 6.4 - Bandwidth & Disk Usage

  • 7

    Module 7 - cPanel vs WHM

    • 7.1 - cPanel vs WHM

    • 7.2 - cPanel Tutorial & Walkthrough

  • 8

    Module 8 - CDN

    • 8.1 - What is a CDN?

    • 8.2 - Should You Use a CDN?

    • 8.3 - Setting up and Configuring Cloudflare

  • 9

    Module 9 - Security

    • 9.1 - Maintenance, Patching, and Security Updates

    • 9.2 - Wordpress Plugins & Updates

    • 9.3 - Using This Plugin is a MUST

    • 9.4 - cPanel Security

    • 9.5 - DDoS Attacks & WAF

  • 10

    Module 10 - Website Monitoring

    • 10.1 - Website Monitoring Explained (You Should Know If a Site Is Down Before Your Client)

    • 10.2 - Setting Up & Configuring UpDown Website Monitoring

  • 11

    Module 11 - SSL Certificates

    • 11.1 - What Is An SSL Certificate?

    • 11.2 - They're Really TLS Certificates, But We Call Them SSL

    • 11.3 - How to Install an SSL Certificate

    • 11.4 - Setting up the .htaccess File

    • 11.5 - CDN Alternative to SSL Certificates

    • 11.6 - SSL Troubleshooting Step-by-Step

  • 12

    Module 12 - Migrating Wordpress Websites

    • 12.1 - Conceptual Wordpress Migration

    • 12.2 - Migrating Wordpress (the easy way)

    • 12.3 - Migrating Wordpress (the manual way)

    • 12.4 - Don't forget the .htaccess file

  • 13

    Module 13 - Website Backups & Restores

    • 13.1 - How to Backup a Site

    • 13.2 - How to Restore a Site

    • 13.3 - How to Automate Wordpress Backups

  • 14

    Module 14 - Clients & Billing

    • 14.1 - Freshbooks

    • 14.2 - PayPal

    • 14.3 - I Know You're Eager, But...

    • 14.4 - How Much Should You Charge?

    • 14.5 - I'm Worried About Charging Too Much

    • 14.6 - When Do You Start Charging for Hosting?

    • 14.7 - Avoid Cheap Clients

    • 14.8 - The Clients I Target

    • 14.9 - Taxable Income

  • 15

    Module 15 - Marketing Your Web Hosting Business

    • 15.1 - Is the Market for This Too Saturated?

    • 15.2 - How to "Sell" Your Hosting

    • 15.3 - Do You Need a Website?

    • 15.4 - This Is the Hardest Part of ANY Business

    • 15.5 - The Easiest Way to Get Clients

    • 15.6 - The Second Easiest Way to Get Clients

    • 15.7 - The ULTIMATE Way to Get Clients

    • 15.8 - Why Would Someone Choose Your Hosting Over a Reputable Company?

    • 15.9 - Can You Just Offer Hosting? Or Do You Require a Site Build?

  • 16

    Module 16 - Additional Streams of Income

    • 16.1 - Email Hosting

    • 16.2 - Plugin Updates

  • 17

    Module 17 - Legality & Protection

    • 17.1 - Why Protect Yourself?

    • 17.2 - Limited Liability Company

    • 17.3 - Client Service Agreement Contracts

    • 17.4 - Privacy Policies, Copyrights, and Trademarks

  • 18

    Module 18 - Thank you!

    • 18.1 - Thank you!

    • 18.2 - Become an Affiliate

  • 19

    BONUS: Automation


    • BONUS: How to Automate Backups (and copy them elsewhere for safekeeping)